Have you been denied for a credit card application? Don’t worry, even if you receive a denial letter/email from the credit card you applied for, that doesn’t mean it’s final. Every major bank has a reconsideration phone number for you to call and ask them to “reconsider” your application (or just check the status).
I have been initially rejected for card applications from time to time. When this happens, I just call the credit card reconsideration numbers. Sometimes, I haven’t been rejected but I haven’t heard any response on my application. If this has happened to you, it doesn’t mean your application has been rejected, although it could. Most likely your application is under review or has already been rejected and you have not been notified.
The Credit Card Reconsideration Phone Number
When this happens, just call the bank reconsideration number and present your case. If you already have several credit cards with a the bank who issues the credit card you are applying for, you may just have to ask them to reallocate some of your credit from the existing cards to this new card. This will not increase the amount of credit you have available with the bank, it will just reduce the amount of credit you have open on one or two cards to make way for the new card.
My rule when making these calls is to always be friendly, courteous and confident… if the representative you are taking with is not friendly or willing to help, politely hang up and try back again later.
Here are the reconsideration numbers for the major credit card companies:
1. American Express Reconsideration Line
866-314-0237 – Reconsideration Line
877-399-3083 – New Accounts
Twitter: @AskAmex
2. Bank Of America Reconsideration Line
866-458-8805 – Reconsideration Line
Twitter: @BofA_Help
3. Barclaycard Reconsideration Line
1-866-408-4064 – Reconsideration Line
Twitter: @BarclayCard
4. Capital One Reconsideration Line
(800) 625-7866 – Reconsideration Line
Twitter: @AskCapitalOne
5. Chase Credit Card Reconsideration Line
1-888-245-0625 -Reconsideration line for personal cards
1-800-453-9719 – Reconsideration line for business cards
Twitter: @ChaseSupport
6. Citibank Credit Card Reconsideration Line
1-800-763-9795 (credit department…not very friendly..)
It’s best to write a letter to: Citibank Executive Review Department, P.O. Box 6000, Sioux Falls, SD 57117
Twitter: @AskCiti
7. US Bank Reconsideration Line
800-947-1444 – Reconsideration Line
Twitter: @AskUSBank